One thousand years of history St Mary the Virgin Denby, Derbyshire  St Mary the Virgin Denby, Derbyshire
Services during the next few months Two services are taking place each month, normally on the first and third Sundays, but there are often variations in this pattern. All services are at 10.00 am unless otherwise indicated. 4th August 2024 Morning Prayer 18th August 2024 Holy Communion 1st September 2024 Morning Prayer 8th September 2024 Holy Communion 15th September 2024 Morning Prayer 29th September 2024 Holy Communion Group Services during this period 29th September 2024 Group Service - Holy Communion at St Mary’s Denby Coronavirus (Covid 19) Update June 2024 Please note that: 1) Face coverings may be worn if desired 2) Hand sanitiser is available. Communion continues to observe safeguards to minimise the spread of Covid. The current position is that the Parochial Church Council has agreed that communion should be offered in both kinds (bread and wine), but that distribution of the wine is not through use of the common cup (chalice).